So, this is Christmas?

That John Lennon song has reverberated in my head for weeks.

So this is Christmas
And what have you done
Another year over
And a new one just begun

a_trustinyouWhat have I done?

2016 is mostly a memory and many people, including me, take this time to reflect.  I haven’t published anything in about three months.  When I think about it, I wonder if I have anything to say.

The mission of this blog two years ago was to chronicle a major career change, which I have done.

However. . .

I’m back in my original career.  Thoughts of failure and success swirl in my head.  What was the purpose of the past two years?  I have put my family in financial sickness because of the decision, yet emotionally it was healing.

I don’t regret my decision.  My experiences away from education have given me a new kind of education. I have met people who are now my friends.  I gained some writing chops and some confidence.

My resume has been built, but so has my faith.  Muscles can’t be strengthened without repeated exercise.  Faith can’t be strengthened without repeated times of trusting.

Someone told me that I was the bravest person they knew because of what I did.  Because I quit my job not knowing for sure what I was going to do next?  I’m not sure I believe I’m the bravest, but I do believe I am brave.  I know too many in education that moan, groan and complain, yet they do nothing about it.  I did. And I’m returning wide-eyed with my badge of courage pinned on my chest.

So, this is Christmas.  Another year over. A new one, filled with possibilities and opportunities to trust, just begun.

Fill me with all joy and peace as I trust in You, so that I may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.  (based on Romans 15:13)

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